Sunday, March 29, 2020

30 Famous Bilingual French Quotes

30 Famous Bilingual French Quotes French quotes are a fun and interesting way to learn some French vocabulary. The quotes below are short, famous, and easy to memorize. The quotations are grouped in sections according to their content so that you can find just the right saying to impress your family, friends, and colleagues- French or American- with your command of this Romance language. Each Fench quote is followed by its English translation as well as the person who made the statement. Right and Wrong Truth, like beauty, may be in the eye of the beholder, but in French, there are many ways to say that you think- actually know- that you are right and others are wrong. Prouver que jai raison serait accorder que je puis avoir tort.Proving that I am right would be admitting that I could be wrong.- Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais Il ny a pas de verità ©s moyennes.​There are no half-truths.- Georges Bernanos On nest point toujours une bà ªte pour lavoir à ©tà © quelquefois.Being a fool sometimes does not make one a fool all the time.- Denis Diderot Thought and Existence Widely regarded as the father of modern philosophy, Renà © Descartes uttered four famous words- I think, therefore I am.- which are even briefer in Latin, the language he used to create the dictum: Cogito, ergo sum. Descartes motivated humans to begin thinking about the meaning of thought and existence, but other French notables also had interesting things to say on the subject. Je pense, donc, je suis.I think, therefore, I am.-  Renà © Descartes Imaginer cest choisir.To imagine is to choose.- Jean Giono Le monde a commencà © sans lhomme et il sachà ¨vera sans lui.The world began without man and it will end without him.- Claude Là ©vi-Strauss La Raison cest la folie du plus fort. La raison du moins fort cest de la folie.​Reason is the madness of the strongest. The reason of those less strong is madness.- Eugà ¨ne Ionesco Dans une grande à ¢me tout est grand.In a great mind everything is great.- Blaise Pascal Books and Art As one of the countries that helped usher in the  Renaissance  centuries ago, France has also produced many thinkers who have commented on great books and great art. Le livre est lopium de lOccident.Books are the opium of the West.- Anatole France LÅ“uvre dart, cest une idà ©e quon exagà ¨re.A work of art is an idea that someone exaggerates.- Andrà © Gide Les livres sont des amis froids et sà »rs.Books are cold and certain friends.-​  Victor Hugo Le monde est un livre dont chaque pas nous ouvre une page.The world is a book- with each step we open a page.  - Alphonse de Lamartine Un peuple malheureux fait les grands artistes.An unhappy nation makes great artists.- Alfred de Musset Les chefs-dÅ“uvre ne sont jamais que des tentatives heureuses.Masterpieces are never anything else but happy attempts.- George Sand Écrire, cest une faà §on de parler sans à ªtre interrompu.​Writing is a way to talk without being interrupted.- Jules Renard Liberty, Equality, Fraternity Liberty, equality, fraternity is the national French motto. The words marked the  end of absolute monarchy  and  the birth of the sovereign nation  in 1792, after the French Revolution. Not surprisingly, many French thinkers have had plenty to say on the subject. Les Franà §ais sont des veaux.French people are calves.- Charles de Gaulle On nous apprend vivre quand la vie est passà ©e.They teach us to live when life is past.- Michel de Montaigne La libertà © est pour la Science ce que lair est pour lanimal.Liberty is to science what air is to animals.- Henri Poincarà © Tous pour un, un pour tous.All for one, one for all.  -  Alexandre Dumas Un homme seul est toujours en mauvaise compagnie.A lone man is always in poor company.- Paul Valà ©ry Miscellaneous Thoughts Many French sayings dont fit neatly into any single category, but they are thought-provoking, nevertheless. Je me sers danimaux pour instruire les hommes.I use animals to teach men.-  Jean de La Fontaine La science na pas de patrie.Science has no homeland.- Louis Pasteur Tout commence en mystique et finit en politique.Everything begins mystically and ends politically.- Charles Pà ©guy Plus loffenseur mest cher, plus je ressens linjure.The more dearly I hold the offender, the more strongly I feel the insult.- Jean Racine Être adulte, cest à ªtre seul.To be an adult is to be alone.- Jean Rostand On ne voit bien quavec le coeur.We see well only with the heart.- Antoine de Saint-Exupà ©ry Lenfer, cest les autres.Hell is other people.- Jean-Paul Sartre vaillant coeur rien dimpossible.For a valiant heart nothing is impossible.- Jacques Coeur Dis-moi ce que tu manges, je te dirai ce que  tu es.Tell me what you eat and Ill tell you what you are.- Anthelme Brillat-Savarin Va, je ne te hais point.Go, I dont hate you.- Pierre Corneille​

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Health and Safety in ICT Essays

Health and Safety in ICT Essays Health and Safety in ICT Essay Health and Safety in ICT Essay If an employer does not care about the health and safety of his employees, they could be sued up to 10,000 pounds. This includes supervision of inexperienced workers. Employees are entitled to safety equipment if it is needed. Employers have to make sure their employers can work machines properly because so they wont get hurt. Employers are responsible for providing their workers with safe and suitable equipment with which to do their job, training them in how to use it, inspecting and maintaining it, and ensuring that it is used correctly through training and supervision. They also need to set up emergency procedures, provide first aid facilities, taking precaution against electrical equipment, noise, temperature and radiation. And giving safety warnings (signs) For an example if office floors were left wet or cluttered with files or cables, on which employees slipped or tripped up. They would have the right to ask for compensation from their employers. Electrical sockets must not be overloaded. It is also important not to have food or drinks near. Section 2 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 states that It shall be the duty of every employee to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all his employees. Section 3 of the Act states that It shall be the duty of every employer to conduct his undertaking in such a way as to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable, that persons not in his employment who may be affected thereby are not exposed to risks to their health or safety. If there were no laws regarding health and safety at work, the number of deaths at work places would be much higher. People can be disabled for life due to lack of safety precautions. Ergonomics means the study of equipment design to make workplace equipment more comfortable and safe for people so that they are more efficient in their work environment. Ergonomists design things carefully such as a chair so people dont get pastoral and back pain People working with computers need to think about: * Position of the computer * Placement of the keyboard and mouse * Furniture and posture * Hand in arm position and movement * Angle of the monitor * Lighting * Their vision * Cables and accessories or peripherals. If the position of the computer is too far away from you. You have to squint at the screen hence damage your eyesight. You need a good distance from the keyboard/mouse to support hands/wrists during pauses. Also so you dont strain your arm. You could get severe back pain if your chair was too upright. . You should also be able to adjust your seat height so you are comfortable with looking at the screen. If your screen isnt level with your head and you need to look up. You will get neck pain. Dim lighting strains your eyes. Looking too closely at your screen makes you vulnerable to harmful radiation. Therefore, you need to make sure you are at a reasonable distance from your computer and make sure you have a screen filter. Cables can harmful because a person could trip from cable and break a bone. An accessory such as a printer can be dangerous because you could twist a muscle while getting a printout. Workers also need to take regular breaks because you can collapse from stress. Advantages of ICT Computers have made life much more easier for us. Before computers were invented it could take more than 6 months to get a simple message to Australia. Now it only takes a couple of seconds. Computers are 99% accurate when make calculations E.g. in Microsoft Excel. It can also make you a variety of different graphs in a mille second in Excel. Doing things on a computer makes the final product look more professional than doing it by hand. Instead of writing something out again and again. You could write it out once and print it how many times you want. This saves a lot of time. When you need to change something around on paper you have to write it all out again. But on Microsoft Word you can just cut and paste. On a computer you can almost completely change an image so it looks the way you want. You can rotate it, enhance, brighten it etc. If you take a picture on a digital camera instead of taking it to a shop and paying money you can upload it on your computer. Work is easy to save and document, rather than someone keeping them in folders where they can get misplaced. You can use scanners to scan in pictures form magazine and books which is easier than taking a photograph. It is much easier to read something on the computer than something that is handwritten (bad handwriting). It is also much more easier to search for information. Disadvantages of ICT. Its is difficult to understand a computer and some software/programs so you can need training. Some graphics are to difficult to achieve if done by a computer . As they are complex. When something is done by a computer people have high expectations. Saving and backing up a file can destroy the work and sometimes the computer also if there is a problem with your hardware. Viruses can get into your system and destroy everything . People rely on computers too much and get lazy . Using a computer damages your eyes. Monitors release harmful radiation. Using a computer too much can leads to strain injury , back problems and eye pain. ICT also contributes to global warming. How to safeguard your work Storage and Backup. It is important that when you are naming a file or a folder that you use an appropriate name. Because if you forget where it is, you can search for it by clicking start and then clicking on search (window xp). If you want to rename a folder: you need to click on file and then rename. You cannot use any punctuation. It is good to make more than 1 folder to make it more easier find a file and its more organized. It is important to regularly backup your files. Because your work can be destroyed by a technical problem or a virus. If you want to make a new folder just click right, new and then folder. Using a floppy to backup is a bad idea because most computers are not designed for floppies, they dont have much space (around 1.46 mega bytes), are slow and they are very unreliable. Using a CD is better as they have more space and are more reliable, they can have up to 700MB, relatively inexpensive and new computers have a built in cd-rw drive. . But you need special software to use them, it is possible to overwrite data and lose important files. You can also store date online , The advantages are : you can access your data anywhere, offers large amount of storage , no other device needed. The bad thing is if the companys server fails you will not be able to access your data, your information can be stolen by a hacker , you often have to pay a monthly fee. A Usb stick is best to use as they are small , can hold up to 2 gigabytes, reliable and also because most new computers are designed for them. The disadvantage is that they are easy to lose and expensive .In my opinion the good side outweigh the disadvantages. Viruses , Worms, Trojans and Spyware. A virus can be a file or a program that replicates itself in your computer. It can cause a lot of damage do your hard drive. E.g. a virus might infect a document, each time you open that document the virus runs and has a chance to cause harm. The Melissa Virus caused so much damage companies like Microsoft had to completely shut off their email systems. Viruses are mostly spread my emails, downloads off the internet (usually music and games) and backup devices (e.g. floppy disks). A virus can make you lose all your data! A worm is a computer program that can copy itself from machine to machine. Worms normally move around and infect other machines through computer networks. For example, the Code Red worm replicated itself over 250,000 times in approximately nine hours on July 19, 2001. Worms use up computer time and space. The worm also looks for security flaws. When it finds a computer that has a security flaw it copies itself into it. A Trojan horse is a program that looks desirable (like a game , screensaver) but is really dangerous. Hence the name. Trojan horses have the ability to erase files. They do not reproduce, they can be spread my email attachments, running a file from the internet etc. The often let hackers enter your computer who then can gain personal information (passwords). Spyware, which is also known an ad ware, collects information about the computer user without their consent. The usually collect personal information,, credit card details for advertising purposes. Spyware applications are typically bundled as a hidden component of freeware or shareware programs that can be downloaded from the Internet. Clicking on pop up ad sis a danger too. Spyware is often spread by email. When a computer has a bug is usually crashes a lot , is slow , has corrupted or deleted files , programs no longer work , a lot of error messages , has files that end in exe., ant virus program becomes disabled etc. Protection To protect yourself from these bugs its important that your install firewalls , virus scanners , Spam killers , privacy services and anti ad ware programs. Regularly scan your computer with your anti virus program. You shouldnt download programs off the internet particularly games and music as these are very popular. Also free programs. For an example Limewire is a popular program to download music . But because you are getting files directly from other people ( p2p program) you are prone to viruses . Also because Limewire doesnt scan the file you are downloading for a bug. When you receive an email from someone you dont know , do not open any attachments as they often have viruses. By wary of sharing usb sticks, floppies etc as these can store bugs too . Dealing with Errors and Copyright Laws. If you have a software problem it is best to contact the actual software company. And explain your problem :when it started , if you did anything different on your computer , what is the error message that arises etc. If there is a adware problem you should contact the company that made the computer e.g. Dell , IBM. Using their helpline. You could use your help and support centre that is already on your computer . Which is on the start menu. Or you could ring the help line, which is usually free. There are forums online and help sites that have qualified technicians there to help you to or you could just ring in for a technician and ask them to come in . You always as your teacher or friend to help you. There are often copyright laws on programs and software. These prevent people from making a copying or mimicking the product.(plagiarism). Copyright laws consist in a wide range of things e.g. poems, movies, drawings etc.